The internal bloodletting among ISIS factions has begun, and could get much worse. The propagandists of the putative Islamic State would have you believe it is just one big happy
The internal bloodletting among ISIS factions has begun, and could get much worse. The propagandists of the putative Islamic State would have you believe it is just one big happy
Is ISIS running out of suicide bombers? Terror group suffers shortage of martyrs after dozens of fighters desert or defect to rival militias Dozens of would-be suicide bombers left ISIS
Abdalaziz Alhamza – Exclusive – Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently The execution video of Jordanian pilot was accompanied with the song which released from the Media Office of ISIS, serves as
Abdalaziz Alhamza ” RBSS “ Warplanes of the international coalition are flying heavily in Raqqa sky, carrying out several raids targeted ISIS positions and headquarters in the western and
Abdalaziz Alhamza – Exclusive – Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently Great tension prevailed in Raqqa city, where ISIS group suffered by many reflections in the past few days, but the defectors
U.S. officials say ISIS executed a Jordanian pilot a month ago. It’s not the first time the group has hidden whether hostages are alive or dead. A horrifying video of
In einen Käfig gesperrt und bei lebendigem Leib verbrannt. Der jordanische Pilot wurde auf grausamste Weise von der ISIS-Terrormiliz ermordet. Jetzt kursiert im Internet die Vermutung: War der Mord an
ISIS group issued a video entitled “healing of the believers’ chests” shows the burning of Jordanian pilot Moath Kasasbeh alive, in the first incident to burning prisoners which carried out
ISIS group failed to conclude a prisoner exchange deal, which was supposed to remove gang character, and make it a state, but the mystery which surrounded the fate of the
“Raqqa thrives silently” is a lie, which ISIS tried to promote it to deliver a good picture of the areas under its control. This lie promoted by the supporters of