Notorious militant Abu Wahib was ridiculed for his choice of camouflage Commander wore dark brown fatigues that made him look like a kebab Anti-ISIS activists based in Syria posted the
Notorious militant Abu Wahib was ridiculed for his choice of camouflage Commander wore dark brown fatigues that made him look like a kebab Anti-ISIS activists based in Syria posted the
Früher verdiente er seinen Lebensunterhalt als Händler in Rakka, heute ist er einer der wichtigsten Kommandeure der Freien Syrischen Armee. Ohne ihn und seine Männer wäre die monatelang von ISIS
Beirut, 14 mar (EFE).- Siria cumple mañana cuatro años del inicio de un conflicto, con más de 200.000 muertos y casi cuatro millones de refugiados, que casi nadie esperaba que
exclusif – Raqqa se fait massacrer silencieusement Le groupe Etat Islamique a exigé la fermeture de tous les dispensaires de cette ville du nord de la Syrie et confisqué les
Foreign Islamist fighers in Al-Raqqa are living in the best houses with free electricity and health care and treating local Syrians “like slaves”, according to an activist living in the Islamic
Abdalaziz Alhamza – Exclusive – Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently ISIS group ceased the work of all dispensaries in Tell Abiad northern city of Raqqa governorate, and confiscated all medical tools
Afines al Estado Islámico lanzan una red social, atacada y bloqueada en solo unas horas Llegó a la Red el domingo y el lunes ya lo habían tirado. El primer
BAGHDAD — A second Islamic State video purporting to show a child executing a prisoner reflects a concerted effort by the brutal group to brainwash and train a new generation
exclusif – Raqqa se fait massacrer silencieusement Depuis cinq mois, la coalition internationale multiplie les raids aériens sur la ville de Raqqa et ses environs, ce que les djihadistes appellent
Anti-activist group has claimed the jihadis will broadcast Israeli’s execution Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently tweeted his death would be videoed Muhammad Said Ismail Musallam, 19, was captured in Syria