Il gruppo Stato islamico è indebolito dalle divisioni interne tra combattenti stranieri e miliziani locali, più che dall’offensiva della coalizione internazionale guidata dagli Stati Uniti. È la tesi sostenuta da
Il gruppo Stato islamico è indebolito dalle divisioni interne tra combattenti stranieri e miliziani locali, più che dall’offensiva della coalizione internazionale guidata dagli Stati Uniti. È la tesi sostenuta da
The three British teens who fled to Syria to shack up with ISIS have arrived at a Sharia camp in Raqqa. Syrian activist group “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” said
exclusif – Raqqa se fait massacrer silencieusement Les jours passant, Daech concentre son attention sur la circulation routière pour renflouer ses caisses, contrôler les allers et venues et montrer à la
Abdalaziz Alhamza – Exclusive – Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently ISIS militant group continued random arrests in the city of Raqqa, for the past few weeks and up till now
Abdalaziz Alhamza – Exclusive – Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently With the passage of days, ISIS group tries to make developments in the field of traffic regulation affiliated to Islamic Police,
spécial – Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently Depuis l’arrivée de l’Etat Islamique dans la province de Raqqa début 2014 et la main mise rapide des djihadistes sur la ville, les femmes
Irak ve Suriye’de terör estiren IŞİD, önceki gün bir eşcinseli daha yüksek bir binanın tepesinden atarak öldürdü. Bu durum akıllara bir kez daha IŞİD militanlarının geyleri neden çatıdan attığı sorusunu
DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson just said that to call the Islamic State Islamic would be “dignifying them as occupying some form of Islam.” And so here we see the cognitive
Abdalaziz Alhamza – Exclusive – Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently The control process of border between countries is considered one of the most complicated things, where countries are unable to control
Abdalaziz Alhamza – Exclusive – Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently ISIS always endeavors to bring down every one opposes it, and tries to detect crimes and excesses inside group hold areas,