In recent days, the city of Raqqa has witnessed an unprecedented wave of chaos and crimes committed by elements known as the “Revolutionary Youth,” an armed militia directly affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Initially emerging under the guise of “civilians,” this group has exploited the fragile security situation in the city to advance its destructive agendas, turning daily life in Raqqa into a nightmare filled with fear and suffering.
Strong Ties to the PKK
The direct link between the Revolutionary Youth and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is evident to all. These elements serve as a tool to enforce the PKK’s control over areas ostensibly under civilian administration. The Revolutionary Youth has become the military and security arm of the party, aiming to sow fear and instability among civilians through tactics of oppression and extortion.
Arbitrary Arrest Campaigns and Intimidation of Civilians
In recent days, the Revolutionary Youth has launched dozens of security campaigns targeting civilians without clear justification. These arrests have included young men, the elderly, and even women, under the pretext of “security inspections” or suspected affiliations with other groups. However, the primary goal of these campaigns is to strengthen the party’s dominance by weakening the social fabric and terrorizing the population.
Extortion Checkpoints and Looting Civilian Property
One of the most glaring manifestations of the chaos in Raqqa is the proliferation of military checkpoints set up by the Revolutionary Youth throughout the city. These checkpoints are not only used to search vehicles and passersby but have also become hubs for extortion and theft of civilians’ belongings, including mobile phones, under the guise of “inspection.” These robberies are conducted under the threat of firearms, exacerbating the state of terror among Raqqa’s residents.
Random Gunfire and Spreading Fear
In addition to arrests and thefts, members of the Revolutionary Youth engage in random gunfire on the city’s streets around the clock to instill panic among the population. These aggressive practices have turned daily life in Raqqa into a battlefield, where civilians fear leaving their homes due to the risk of violence or arrest.
Major Thefts and Organized Vandalism
Beyond individual thefts, the city has recently experienced a wave of large-scale robberies targeting shops, businesses, and institutions, as well as acts of vandalism affecting the city’s infrastructure. These crimes highlight that the Revolutionary Youth serves as an instrument to execute destructive agendas aimed at destabilizing the city and undermining its residents.
A Clear Message to Residents: Fear is Their Means of Control
The criminal actions of the Revolutionary Youth make it clear that their objective is to impose a new reality in Raqqa—a reality based on fear and submission. These practices reflect the PKK’s strategy of using intimidation to tighten its grip on the areas it controls or seeks to dominate.
A Call to Save Raqqa
In the face of these ongoing crimes and violations, the people of Raqqa are calling on the international community, human rights organizations, and the Damascus authorities to take urgent action to halt this bloodshed. Raqqa, a city that has long suffered the ravages of war, desperately needs real protection from these armed militias that show no regard for civilian lives or stability.