The Assassination of Mohammad Bara’ al-Qatirji: Israeli Airstrike Targets a Businessman Close to the Assad Regime

On the evening of Monday, July 15, 2024, media outlets announced the assassination of the Syrian businessman Mohammad Bara’ al-Qatirji, who was close to the head of the Assad regime, along with his escort. They were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting his car near the Syrian-Lebanese border.

Biography of Mohammad Bara’ al-Qatirji: Mohammad Bara’ Ahmed Roshdy al-Qatirji, born in Raqqa in 1976 to a family originating from the city of Al-Bab in eastern Aleppo countryside, began his career under modest conditions as his father worked as a tailor in Raqqa. Over time, Bara’ and his brother Hussam al-Qatirji, a member of the Syrian Parliament, established several companies, including:

  • Al-Qatirji International Group.
  • Al-Qatirji Mechanical Engineering Industries.
  • Arfada Petroleum Company.
  • Aleppo Public Holding Company.
  • Roots for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.
  • Aleb for Consultations and Technical Solutions.
  • Al-Qatirji for Development and Real Estate Investment.
  • BS Oil Services Company.

Al-Qatirji’s Role in the Syrian Conflict: Mohammad Bara’ al-Qatirji, along with his siblings, formed a militia based in Aleppo that played a role in protecting convoys of oil, wheat, and cotton, in addition to safeguarding industrial facilities and business ventures. This militia also participated in the siege of eastern Aleppo neighborhoods in 2016.

Al-Qatirji was linked to financial and administrative corruption networks at all levels of state administration, which allowed him to connect directly with the corruption networks of Bashar al-Assad and businessman Rami Makhlouf, facilitating the expansion of his business operations.

The Rise of Al-Qatirji Group: The true rise of Al-Qatirji Group occurred after regime forces lost Raqqa province to the Free Syrian Army in 2011, and subsequently to ISIS. Bara’ al-Qatirji acted as a mediator in oil, wheat, and weapons deals between the Syrian regime, ISIS, and Kurdish units, enabling the transfer of oil and wheat from areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces and ISIS to regime areas, and vice versa for weapons.

U.S. Sanctions: The U.S. Treasury Department added Bara’ al-Qatirji to its sanctions list on September 6, 2018, for his role in facilitating oil shipments and financing the Syrian regime. The Treasury noted that he acted as a mediator between the Syrian regime and ISIS in oil deals.

Ties with the Quds Force and Hezbollah: Mohammad Bara’ al-Qatirji had close connections with the Quds Force and contributed to its funding, as well as to Hezbollah. A Financial Times report in 2019 stated that the al-Qatirji family dominated the illegal oil trade in Syria.

The assassination of Mohammad Bara’ al-Qatirji is a significant blow to the Assad regime, as he was one of its closest businessmen, playing a crucial role in financing and supporting armed militias and facilitating illicit oil shipments. Although there has been no immediate comment from the Israeli side regarding the airstrike, this event will undoubtedly have substantial repercussions on the Syrian and regional stages.