Closure of Several Violating Pharmacies in Raqqa

The Drug Registration and Control Office, part of the Health Authority in Raqqa, conducted an inspection on June 25, 2024, covering several medical pharmacies in the city. The aim of the inspection was to verify compliance with health and legal standards, resulting in the closure of some pharmacies operating without a license or in the absence of a licensed pharmacist. Written warnings were also issued to other pharmacies, including strict directives to adhere to cleanliness and pricing regulations.

Background of the Chaos in the Pharmacy Sector

The pharmacy sector in Raqqa suffers from significant chaos regarding the management and operation of pharmacies. One of the main problems facing this sector is the renting of pharmacy certificates by non-specialists and their investment, leading to pharmacies operating without a licensed pharmacist. This poses a significant risk to public health.

Manipulation of Antibiotic Prescriptions

Raqqa also experiences chaos in the sale and prescription of antibiotics. Some doctors and pharmacists prescribe antibiotics for financial gain, disregarding proper medical standards. This behavior leads to the misuse of antibiotics, posing a health risk to patients and potentially causing the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains.

Risks of Antibiotic Misuse

The misuse of antibiotics is one of the most serious health issues facing the world today. This problem encompasses several negative aspects, including:

  1. Development of Antibiotic Resistance: When antibiotics are used incorrectly or excessively, bacteria can develop resistance to these drugs. This means treatments that were effective in the past may become ineffective, making bacterial infections harder to treat.
  2. Increased Healthcare Costs: Infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria require more complex and prolonged treatments, increasing healthcare costs for both patients and the healthcare system overall.
  3. Worsening and Spread of Diseases: As bacteria become more resistant to antibiotics, some diseases become more severe and widespread, posing a significant threat to public health.

Necessary Measures to Improve the System

To avoid these risks, strict measures must be taken to improve the healthcare system in the pharmacy sector. These measures include:

  1. Enhanced Regulation: The role of drug control authorities should be strengthened to ensure all pharmacies comply with health and legal standards. This regulation can include regular inspection tours and the imposition of strict penalties on violators.
  2. Public Awareness: Public awareness campaigns should be organized to educate citizens about the dangers of antibiotic misuse and the importance of following doctors’ prescriptions.
  3. Sector Organization: Strict laws and regulations should be implemented to organize the operation of pharmacies and prevent the renting of pharmacy certificates, with severe penalties for violators.