Condemning the massacre in Manchester and turning a blind eye to the massacre In Baroda


Raqqa Civil Council, which is formed by YPG, has quickly condemned ISIS’s terrorist attack in Manchester which has led to the killing of 19 civilians and more than 60 injured ones.
The Council issued a statement that says:” As a result of the terrorist attack in Manchester, we, in the Civil Council of Raqqa, offer our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wish the injuries a quick recovery.” The statement also added:” We condemn this cowardly terrorist attack, we remind the whole world that our city is facing this terrorism every single day and we ask the entire free world to stand before their moral responsibility and help us get rid of this terrorism.”

The strange thing is that this council, which was established by YPG, is condemning ISIS’s attacks but never condemned SDF’s terrorist acts in Raqqa province, they have never condemned the random airstrikes launched by the International Coalition warplanes which have led a time after a time to major causalities among the civilians, the last of which happened in Baroda village where 16 civilian got killed by an airstrike launched by the International Coalition warplanes.

This civil council is just an attempt by the de facto authority to gain legitimacy in Raqqa and to show the world that this council is the one in charge of Raqqa, this council is just a cover for YPG violations and terrorist acts.

media activist from the city of Raqqa, student at the Faculty of Law at the University of the Euphrates. Director of the Media Office of Raqqa, founding member of "Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently", founding member of the documentary project of "Sound and Picture". I work in documenting violations committed by Assad's regime and ISIS group and extremist organizations inside the city of Raqqa, as I work in programming, design and visual media. I hold a certificate of coach in digital security, and a certificate of journalist coach, and a certificate in documenting violations against human rights, and a certificate in electronic advocacy. I underwent a training under the supervision of "Cyber-Arabs" in collaboration with the Institute for War and Peace "IWPR", about the management of electronic websites and leadership of advocacy campaigns, and a training of press photography under the supervision of the photojournalist "Peter Hove Olesen".