Jihadi baby boom: Terrorists’ sick plan to bolster their ranks

Jihadi baby boom: Terrorists’ sick plan to bolster their ranks
The disturbing sight of an innocent ‘junior jihadist’, whose future is already decided.

THE Islamic State is making dead sure it will never run out of new recruits with its most morally corrupt strategy yet.

The terrorist organisation is pushing for a “jihadi baby boom”, with soldiers and their brides ordered to reproduce and indoctrinate their children into a life of hatred and violence.

Many of these mothers are Western and Yazidi sex slaves, forced to help create ruthless junior militants, who are paraded on social media like toys.

Sickening photos posted online show innocent babies and toddlers surrounded by guns, flags and IS paraphernalia, their murderous future already set in stone.

The extremist group, also known as ISIS, hopes to ensure the future of the caliphate with state-of-the-art nursing and paediatric facilities. Australian Dr Tareq Kamlehan runs one ward, appearing in propaganda videos promoting his work and encouraging other medics to join up.

The Aussie poster boy for extremist doctors may already be delivering the next generation of blood-soaked believers, helping IS to grow and extend its influence.

“The idea of creating families to live within their Islamic State also provides further validation of ISIS’s vision as a legitimate nation unto itself,” said Clinton Watts, Fox Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. “ISIS believes the more people they can create in their image the better, and those born into violent ideology are usually the most committed to the course of their life.”

In an attempt to show legitimacy as a professional and orderly government, IS is reportedly issuing birth certificates and related medical documents. IS leaders also have established guidelines for paediatric care for mothers giving birth within the caliphate, sources told FoxNews.com. One such directive forbids Caesarean births, calling them “un-Islamic” and asserting they could hinder future reproduction.

How to raise a “jihadi baby” has also been a key feature of IS publications, with one article, “Sister’s Role in Jihad”, underscoring that the “most important” role a female can play within the caliphate is to indoctrinate her offspring as early as possible. Mothers should encourage boys to play with toy guns and steer clear of TV, as it “mostly teaches shamelessness, anarchy and random violence”.

Many of the Islamic State’s mothers are sex slaves captured from Christian and Yazidi populations, as well as Western women who have travelled to the region to join the terrorist army.



Syrian activist group “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” reported in April that the terrorists had opened a nursing school in the Syrian city that served as its headquarters, complete with standardised entrance exams and a mandate that nurses must speak fluent English so as to not put their patients’ lives at risk.

A member of the activist group, a collective of underground Raqqa residents who report from the city at great risk, told FoxNews.com that IS had opened a medical school for both male and female students, ages 18 to 30, “on condition that they must earn an average about 80 per cent” in their final high school grades. Experts say the message shows that IS sees itself as much more than a terrorist group.

“ISIS is not only a terrorist group, but in the business of state building,” Anne Speckhard, a Georgetown University professor of psychiatry and security studies told FoxNews.com. “One of the central tenets of ISIS recruitment is their promise to build a utopian state where citizens will be able to live by Islamic ideals.”

The teams of medical professionals enlisted by IS are a combination of those willingly recruited into the barbaric faction and those forced to work against their will. But between patching up wounded fighters and trying to run its own version of a government health ministry, IS is almost certainly falling well short of the rosy picture its propaganda paints. Many medical professionals have fled the caliphate, and others have been killed for refusing to use their skills in the service of terrorists.

“They have massive problems paying the doctors and keeping the facilities running with power, equipment and medical supplies,” said Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalisation and De-Radicalisation Studies. “ISIS has even tolerated things like men and women working together in hospitals simply because they need the staff to continue and didn’t want them to flee. The situation is miserable.”

Residents of Mosul, IS’s main stronghold in Iraq, are occasionally permitted to go to Baghdad for surgery or medical treatment beyond the ability of the terror group’s medical teams, according to an Iraq-based US defence official. But to do so, they must pay a fee amounting to about $9500 and have a “sponsor” in Mosul. If they don’t return, their possessions are seized and the sponsor is killed.

The propaganda emphasis on pediatrics and healthcare is one of many steps IS has taken in an attempt to disseminate the idea that the cities under its control are calm and competent. But those who have made it out alive tell a different story.

“People everywhere are dying for food, clean water, jobs,” said a man who escaped Mosul after IS took over his home and held his family for a month earlier this year. “Anything good ISIS says is a lie.”

source : news.com.au

media activist from the city of Raqqa, student at the Faculty of Law at the University of the Euphrates. Director of the Media Office of Raqqa, founding member of "Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently", founding member of the documentary project of "Sound and Picture". I work in documenting violations committed by Assad's regime and ISIS group and extremist organizations inside the city of Raqqa, as I work in programming, design and visual media. I hold a certificate of coach in digital security, and a certificate of journalist coach, and a certificate in documenting violations against human rights, and a certificate in electronic advocacy. I underwent a training under the supervision of "Cyber-Arabs" in collaboration with the Institute for War and Peace "IWPR", about the management of electronic websites and leadership of advocacy campaigns, and a training of press photography under the supervision of the photojournalist "Peter Hove Olesen".

1 Comment

  1. Faj
    November 18, 2015 - 11:03 am

    ISIS = Nusra = make Killing Filed. Remember, I will burn both…see

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